home home2 home3 office newspaper pencil pencil2 quill pen blog eyedropper droplet paint-format image images camera headphones music play film video-camera dice pacman spades clubs diamonds bullhorn connection podcast feed mic book books library file-text profile file-empty files-empty file-text2 file-picture file-music file-play file-video file-zip copy paste stack folder folder-open folder-plus folder-minus folder-download folder-upload price-tag price-tags barcode qrcode ticket cart coin-dollar coin-euro coin-pound coin-yen credit-card calculator lifebuoy phone phone-hang-up address-book envelop pushpin location location2 compass compass2 map map2 history clock clock2 alarm bell stopwatch calendar printer keyboard display laptop mobile mobile2 tablet tv drawer drawer2 box-add box-remove download upload floppy-disk drive database undo redo undo2 redo2 forward reply bubble bubbles bubbles2 bubble2 bubbles3 bubbles4 user users user-plus user-minus user-check user-tie quotes-left quotes-right hour-glass spinner spinner2 spinner3 spinner4 spinner5 spinner6 spinner7 spinner8 spinner9 spinner10 spinner11 binoculars search zoom-in zoom-out enlarge shrink enlarge2 shrink2 key key2 lock unlocked wrench equalizer equalizer2 cog cogs hammer magic-wand aid-kit bug pie-chart stats-dots stats-bars stats-bars2 trophy gift glass glass2 mug spoon-knife leaf rocket meter meter2 hammer2 fire lab magnet bin bin2 briefcase airplane truck road accessibility target shield power switch power-cord clipboard list-numbered list list2 tree menu menu2 menu3 menu4 cloud cloud-download cloud-upload cloud-check download2 upload2 download3 upload3 sphere earth link flag attachment eye eye-plus eye-minus eye-blocked bookmark bookmarks sun contrast brightness-contrast star-empty star-half star-full heart heart-broken man woman man-woman happy happy2 smile smile2 tongue tongue2 sad sad2 wink wink2 grin grin2 cool cool2 angry angry2 evil evil2 shocked shocked2 baffled baffled2 confused confused2 neutral neutral2 hipster hipster2 wondering wondering2 sleepy sleepy2 frustrated frustrated2 crying crying2 point-up point-right point-down point-left warning notification question plus minus info cancel-circle blocked cross checkmark checkmark2 spell-check enter exit play2 pause stop previous next backward forward2 play3 pause2 stop2 backward2 forward3 first last previous2 next2 eject volume-high volume-medium volume-low volume-mute volume-mute2 volume-increase volume-decrease loop loop2 infinite shuffle arrow-up-left arrow-up arrow-up-right arrow-right arrow-down-right arrow-down arrow-down-left arrow-left arrow-up-left2 arrow-up2 arrow-up-right2 arrow-right2 arrow-down-right2 arrow-down2 arrow-down-left2 arrow-left2 circle-up circle-right circle-down circle-left tab move-up move-down sort-alpha-asc sort-alpha-desc sort-numeric-asc sort-numberic-desc sort-amount-asc sort-amount-desc command shift ctrl opt checkbox-checked checkbox-unchecked radio-checked radio-checked2 radio-unchecked crop make-group ungroup scissors filter font ligature ligature2 text-height text-width font-size bold underline italic strikethrough omega sigma page-break superscript subscript superscript2 subscript2 text-color pagebreak clear-formatting table table2 insert-template pilcrow ltr rtl section paragraph-left paragraph-center paragraph-right paragraph-justify indent-increase indent-decrease share new-tab embed embed2 terminal share2 mail mail2 mail3 mail4 amazon google google2 google3 google-plus google-plus2 google-plus3 hangouts google-drive facebook facebook2 instagram whatsapp spotify telegram twitter vine vk renren sina-weibo rss rss2 youtube youtube2 twitch vimeo vimeo2 lanyrd flickr flickr2 flickr3 flickr4 dribbble behance behance2 deviantart 500px steam steam2 dropbox onedrive github npm basecamp trello wordpress joomla ello blogger blogger2 tumblr tumblr2 yahoo yahoo2 tux appleinc finder android windows windows8 soundcloud soundcloud2 skype reddit hackernews wikipedia linkedin linkedin2 lastfm lastfm2 delicious stumbleupon stumbleupon2 stackoverflow pinterest pinterest2 xing xing2 flattr foursquare yelp paypal chrome firefox IE edge safari opera file-pdf file-openoffice file-word file-excel libreoffice html-five html-five2 css3 git codepen svg IcoMoon

QR Codes for pay-back transactions

Make your SEPA transfers easier with the PayMe App! Our app offers a quick and convenient way to generate QR codes for SEPA transfers so you can make payments hassle-free.


  1. Easy generation of QR codes: Generate QR codes for SEPA transfers with just a few clicks. Our user-friendly interface makes the process a breeze.
  2. Customizable options: Customize the details of your transfer, including the amount, recipient and other relevant information.
  3. Fast payment processing: Save time filling out transfer forms by simply scanning the QR code and authorizing the payment.
  4. Security and reliability: Our app ensures the security of your data and offers reliable QR code generation for your SEPA transfers.
  5. Offline availability: Generate QR codes even without an internet connection, ideal for use on the go.

With the SEPA QR Code Generator you can make your SEPA transfers more efficient and convenient. Download the app now and simplify your payments!

Download the app now!

Make it easy to get payback transaction to your bank account